Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fireworks in the fade in animation production

Fade animation

Use fireworks to do fades, some say that they do not see the real PNG format, the steps, so at this meeting on such a tutorial.
Object fades is firewoks can create one common effect, the two linked frame when inserting objects, one object is set to 0% opacity, the opacity of an object is set to 100%, it can get fades.

Production steps:
1, first create a new file, draw a circle, set in FILL panel edge: feather: 10, feather set in motion the process aimed at the edge would not get stiff, effect. Point in the circle, press the F8 key, select the type: graphic, make it into a symbol.

Second, in the library panel to select the symbol, onto the screen. Repeat the last operation, and again one out. After the delay with the scale tool to pull out of that circle the size of their satisfaction, according to ctrl + a, select the two circles.
Third, align the modiya menu option selected, center vertical and center horizontal look at the various points, two balls in the center of a circle on the alignment. :)
Fourth, select the big circle in the object panel transparency set to 0.
5, to select two instances (ie, circular), the Commission modify the menu in the symbol-> tween instances, fill in the steps you want the number of frames. In this case I chose 3.
6, the effect complete.

Original file edit it

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Compilation of various source - DRIVER

name driver
page 55,132
title''DRIVER --- installable driver template''

; This is a "template" for a MS-DOS installable device driver.
; The actual driver subroutines are stubs only and have
; No effect but to return a non-error "done" status.
; Ray Duncan
; Laboratory Microsystems Inc.
; April 1985

code segment public''CODE''

driver proc far

assume cs: code, ds: code, es: code

org 0

Max_Cmd equ 15; MS-DOS command code maximum
; This is 15 for MS-DOS 3.x
; And 12 for MS-DOS 2.x

cr equ 0dh; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah; ASCII line feed
eom equ''$''; end of message signal

; Device Driver Header
Header dd -1; link to next device, -1 = end of list

dw 8000h; attribute word
; Bit 15 = 1 for character devices

dw Strat; device "Strategy" entry point

dw Intr; device "Interrupt" entry point

db''DRIVER''; char device name, 8 char, or
; If block device, no. Of units
; In first byte followed by
; 7 don''t care bytes

; Interpretation of Attribute word:
; Bit Significance
; 15 = 1 for character drivers
; 14 = 1 if driver can handle IOCTL
; 13 = 1 if block device & non-IBM format
; 12 0
; 11 open / close / RM supported (DOS 3.x)
; 100
; 90
; 80
; 70
; 60
; 50
; 40
; 3 = 1 if CLOCK device
; 2 = 1 if NUL device
; 1 = 1 if Standard Output
; 0 = 1 if Standard Input

; Local variables for use by driver
RH_Ptr dd?; Pointer to request header
; Passed to Strat by BDOS

Ident db cr, lf, lf
db''LMI Example Device Driver 1.0''
db cr, lf
db''Copyright (c) 1985''
db''Laboratory Microsystems Inc.''
db cr, lf, lf, eom
; MS-DOS Command Codes dispatch table.
; The "Interrupt" routine uses this table and the
; Command Code supplied in the Request Header to
; Transfer to the appropriate driver subroutine.

dw Init; 0 = init driver into system
dw Media_Chk; 1 = media check on blk dev
dw Build_Bpb; 2 = build BIOS param block
dw Ioctl_Inp; 3 = I / O ctrl read from dev
dw Input; 4 = normal destructive read
dw Nd_Input; 5 = non-destructive read, no wait
dw Inp_Stat; 6 = return current input status
dw Inp_Flush; 7 = flush device input buffers
dw Output; 8 = normal output to device
dw Outp_Vfy; 9 = output with verify
dw Outp_Stat; 10 = return current output status
dw Outp_Flush; 11 = flush output buffers
dw Ioctl_Outp; 12 = I / O control output
dw Dev_Open; 13 = device open (MS-DOS 3.x)
dw Dev_Close; 14 = device close (MS-DOS 3.x)
dw Rem_Media; 15 = removeable media (MS-DOS 3.x)
; MS-DOS Request Header structure definition
; The first 13 bytes of all Request Headers are the same
; And are referred to as the "Static" part of the Header.
; The number and meaning of the following bytes varies.
; In this "Struc" definition we show the Request Header
; Contents for Read and Write calls.
Request struc; request header template structure

; Beginning of "Static" portion
Rlength db?; Length of request header
Unit db?; Unit number for this request
Command db?; Request header''s command code
Status dw?; Driver''s return status word
Reserve db 8 dup (?); Reserved area
; End of "Static" portion

Media db?; Media descriptor byte
Address dd?; Memory address for transfer
Count dw?; Byte / sector count value
Sector dw?; Starting sector value

Request ends; end of request header template

; Status word is interpreted as follows:
; Bit (s) Significance
; 15 Error
; 10-14 Reserved
; 9 Busy
; 8 Done
; 0-7 Error code if bit 15 = 1

; Predefined BDOS error codes are:
; 0 Write protect violation
; 1 Unknown unit
; 2 Drive not ready
; 3 Unknown command
; 4 CRC error
; 5 Bad drive request structure length
; 6 Seek error
; 7 Unknown media
; 8 Sector not found
; 9 Printer out of paper
; 10 Write fault
; 11 Read fault
; 12 General failure
; 13-14 Reserved
; 15 Invalid disk change (MS-DOS 3.x)


; Device Driver "Strategy Routine"

; Each time a request is made for this device, the BDOS
; First calls "Strategy routine", then immediately calls
; The "Interrupt routine".

; The Strategy routine is passed the address of the
; Request Header in ES: BX, which it saves in a local
; Variable and then returns to the BDOS.

Strat proc far
; Save address of Request Header
mov word ptr cs: [RH_Ptr], bx
mov word ptr cs: [RH_Ptr +2], es

ret; back to BDOS

Strat endp


; Device Driver "Interrupt Routine"

; This entry point is called by the BDOS immediately after
; The call to the "Strategy Routine", which saved the long
; Address of the Request Header in the local variable "RH_Ptr".

; The "Interrupt Routine" uses the Command Code passed in
; The Request Header to transfer to the appropriate device
; Handling routine. Each command code routine is responsible
; For any necessary return information into the Request Header,
; Then transfers to Error or Exit to set the Return Status code.

Intr proc far

push ax; save general registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push di
push si
push bp

push cs; make local data addressable
pop ds

les di, [RH_Ptr]; ES: DI = Request Header

; Get BX = Command Code
mov bl, es: [di.Command]
xor bh, bh
cmp bx, Max_Cmd; make sure its legal
jg Unk_Command; too big, exit with error code
shl bx, 1; form index to Dispatch table
; And branch to driver routine
jmp word ptr [bx + Dispatch]


; General collection of exit points for the driver routines.

Unk_Command:; Come here if Command Code too big.
mov al, 3; Sets "Unknown Command" error
; Code and "Done" bit.

Error:; Transfer here with AL = error code.
mov ah, 81h; Sets "Error" and "Done" bits.
jmp Exit

Done: mov ah, 1; Come here if I / O complete and
; No error, sets "Done" bit only.

Exit:; General purpose exit point.
; Transfer here with AX =
; Return Status word to be
; Placed into Request Header.

lds bx, cs: [RH_Ptr]; set status
mov ds: [bx.Status], ax

pop bp; restore general registers
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret; back to BDOS


; Function 1 Media Check

; Block devices only. Should be a NOP for character devices.
; This routine is called first by BDOS for a block device transfer,
; Passing current media descriptor byte at Request Header +
; Media Check routine sets status word and in addition passes back
; Return byte at Request Header + 14 as follows:

; -1 Media has been changed
; 0 Don''t know if media changed
; 1 Media has not been changed
; If driver can return 1 or -1, performance is improved because
; MS-DOS does not need to reread the FAT for each directory access.


jmp Done


; Function 2 Build BIOS Parameter Block
; Block devices only. Should be a NOP for character devices.
; This routine is called by MS-DOS when Media-Changed code is
; Returned by Media Check routine, or if Not Sure code is returned
; And there are no dirty buffers.
; Build BPB call receives pointer to one-sector buffer in Address
; Field of Request Header (offset 14). If "Non-IBM-Format" bit
; In attribute word is zero, the buffer contains the first sector
; Of the FAT including the media identification byte and should not
; Be altered by the driver. If the "Non-IBM-Format" bit is set,
; The buffer mabe used as scratch space.;; The Build BPB routine sets status and returns a DWORD pointer to; the new Bios Parameter Block at Request Header + 18.; Build_Bpb: jmp Done page;; Function 3 I / O Control Read ;; Only called if IOCTL bit set in Device Header Attribute word.;; Called with:;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred;; No error check is performed on IOCTL I / O calls. Ioctl_Inp: jmp Done page;; Function 4 Read from Device;; Called with;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred Input: jmp Done page;; Function 5 Non-destructive Read from Device;; Character devices only.;; If Input Status request returns Busy bit = 0 (characters; waiting),; the next character that would be read is returned; at Request Header + 13. This character is not removed from; the Input Buffer. This basically provides the capability to; "look-ahead" by one character. Nd_Input: jmp Done page;; Function 6 Input Status;; Character devices only.;; Sets the Returned Status word:; Done bit = 1; Busy bit = 1 read request would go to physical device; = 0 characters already in device buffer, read request; would return quickly.;; MS-DOS assumes all character devices have type-ahead buffer.; If device does not have type-ahead buffer, should always; return Busy bit = 0 so MS-DOS will not hang. Inp_Stat: jmp Done page;; Function 7 Flush Input Buffers;; Character devices only.;; Terminate all pending requests, ie the Input buffer is; emptied. Inp_Flush : jmp Done page;; Function 8 Write to Device;; Called with;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred Output: jmp Done page;; Function 9 Write with Verify to Device;; Called with ;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred Outp_Vfy: jmp Done page;; Function 10 Output Status;; Character devices only.;; Sets the Returned Status word:; Done bit = 1; Busy bit = 1 write request would wait for completion of; current request; = 0 device idle, write request would start immediately.; Outp_Stat: jmp Done page;; Function 11 Flush Output Buffers;; Character devices only.;; Terminate pending requests. The output buffer, if any,; is emptied. Outp_Flush: jmp Done page;; Function 12 I / O Control Write;; Only called if IOCTL bit in Device Header Attribute word is set.;; Called with;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred;; No error check is performed on IOCTL calls. Ioctl_Outp: jmp Done page;; Function 13 Device Open;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN / CLOSE / RM bit set in Attribute word.; May be used to manage local buffering. Reference count; is incremented keeping track of number of open files on; the device. On character devices can be used to send; device initialization string, which can be set by IOCTL; Write. Note that CON AUX and PRN devices are always open.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done".; Dev_Open: jmp Done page;; Function 14 Device Close;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN / CLOSE / RM bit set in Attribute word.; May be used to manage local buffering. Reference count; is decremented keeping track of number of open files on; the device; when count reaches zero all files have been closed; and the driver should flush buffers as user may change disks.; On character devices can be used to send device post-I / O; string such as a form feed, which can be set by IOCTL; Write. Note that CON AUX and PRN devices are never closed.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done".; Dev_Close: jmp Done page;; Function 15 Removeable Media;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN / CLOSE / RM bit set in Attribute word; and device type is block.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done" and; Busy bit = 1 if media is non-removable.; = 0 if media is removable. ; Rem_Media: jmp Done page ; This Initialization code for the driver is called only ; once when the driver is loaded. It is responsible for ; initializing the hardware, setting up any necessary ; interrupt vectors, and it must return the address ; of the first free memory after the driver to the BDOS. ; If it is a block device driver, Init must also return the ; address of the Bios Parameter Block pointer array; if all ; units are the same, all pointers can point to the same BPB. ; Only MS-DOS services 01-0CH and 30H can be called by the ; Initialization function. ; ; In this example, Init returns its own address to the DOS as ; the start of free memory after the driver, so that the memory ; occupied by IN99v will be reclaimed after it is finished ; with its work. ; ; Called with: ; ; Request Header + 18 DWORD pointer to the character after the "=" ; on the CONFIG.SYS line that loaded ; driver; this information is read only. ; 22 BYTE drive letter for first unit of a ; block driver (0=A 1=B etc) ; (MS-DOS 3.x only) ; ; Returns: ; ; Request Header + 13 BYTE Number of units (block devices only) ; + 14 DWORD address of first free memory above driver ; + 18 DWORD BPB pointer array (block devices only) ; Init: ; Function 0 ; initialize device driver push es ; push Request Header addr push di mov ah,9 ; print sign-on message mov dx,offset Ident int 21h pop di ; restore Request Header addr pop es ; set first usable memory addr. mov word ptr es:[di.Address],offset Init mov word ptr es:[di.Address+2],cs jmp Done Intr endp Driver endp code ends end

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Friday, July 9, 2010

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Monday, July 5, 2010

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