Sunday, October 24, 2010

New accounting standards and tax law differences on how to coordinate

The new accounting standards have been January 1, 2007 became fully implemented in listed companies. Recently in the tax net and other units from China held between the new accounting standards and tax expert seminar, experts discussed from different angles the new accounting standards and tax aspects of various differences and focus around the new accounting standards and tax law causes of the differences that the differences in content and solutions, how to master the new accounting standards, etc were also discussed.

Accounting professor, Sun Jianguo, China's tax chief expert network that will produce accounting standards and tax differences are inevitable problems. First of all, the two are not the same as the objectives to be achieved. Accounting objective is to truly and objectively reflect the financial position, operating results and cash flow, while the main objective of tax laws through fair taxes, fair competition to ensure the realization of revenue. Second, the basic premise of the two different. The four new accounting standards is a prerequisite for accounting entity, going concern, accounting stage and monetary measures. The corporate income tax the taxpayer is different from the accounting entity, but also for income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the recognition, measurement of the time and scope of the differences between temporary and permanent inevitably produce differences. Again, the principles between the two is not the same. In addition to a number of income tax law to follow accounting principles, the main legal principles should adhere to the principle of equity, income and balanced principles, anti-avoidance principle and the principle of administrative efficiency.

"It is precisely because of the existence of differences between accounting and tax law, we will carefully study where different, so we all know how to handle these differences." Fang Beijing National Accounting Institute associate said, "This happens to be our National Accounting Institute and China's tax net services such as consulting, as an important research topic in 2007 is an important cause. "

Central University of Finance and Accounting Institute Professor Yu Yingmin that the promulgation of new accounting standards reflect three major breakthroughs. First, from the domestic system to achieve a breakthrough to international standards. The old accounting standards and accounting systems, generally speaking, the basic system is still based on domestic. But this time, accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards adopted consistent with the principles and approach, and has been recognized by the International Accounting Standards Committee. Second, realized from the service manager to service stakeholders breakthrough. The old accounting standards and accounting system is mainly to meet the managers, in particular the needs of the government administration system system. Overall, to meet the higher authorities on the line. But under the new guidelines, they should as far as possible the demands of investors, creditors, managers, regulators and the public need for information from such persons. Third, the new guidelines to achieve a heavier weight long-term development of the current profit breakthroughs. For example, new standards in the recognition, measurement and financial reporting structure, and established the core of the balance sheet in order to limit short-term business. Over the years, the income statement financial statements of the enterprise system has been living in a prominent position, profits as the management of all aspects of corporate performance assessment to measure key indicators of corporate profitability, but it's easy for some companies to leave short-term profit manipulation profit space, and The new accounting standards system highlights the balance sheet of the report system in the central position of the balance required enterprises to enhance the quality of information. Assets less liabilities of enterprises in the balance of the equity increase in circumstances that increase the enterprise value, shareholder wealth and growth, which broke through the traditional concept of pure profit, helped promote the company implementing the scientific development concept, improve asset liability management, optimization of assets and capital structure, improve decision-making level, to avoid focusing only on immediate interests and advance the implementation of income distribution, long-term strategy to fully focus on business and sustainable development.

On the positive role of the new accounting standards, experts agreed that the new accounting standards such as accounting policy choices in research and development costs capitalized into the system, a change in our total cost of R & D requirements, meet the recognized criteria for the expenditure of development activities allow capitalization. This policy will encourage enterprises to increase science and technology and R & D activities Touru, promote technological upgrading and industrial restructuring, Wei 钀藉疄 central authorities of the country through science, encourage their independent innovation of the call, creating a good accounting Zhengce environment, success in the eyes benefit in the long run. Another example, the new accounting standards focus on the protection of economic and social harmonious development of areas in cost accounting, and international technology accordance with a market demand and further improve the cost-compensation system, Gaijin a cost accounting project and Fangfa, firms will Chengdan the disposal of fixed assets obligations of social responsibility accounting system introduced in order to be more scientific, rational, comprehensive cost information to reflect, to ensure that the cost of compensation and workers compensation, to avoid ahead of distribution, the implementation of harmonious development.

New accounting standards and tax law differences between expression? With years of practical experience of Gao Yun Bin revenue from substance over form, prudence, accrual and cash basis of accounting principles and other important new guidelines compared with the differences in tax law content. In his view, both old and new accounting standards and tax laws are differences in the income tax on the more obvious, accounting standards and the income tax system should be more coordination of space.涓浗绋庣綉娑夌◣椋庨櫓鐮旂┒瀹や笓瀹堕檲钀嶇敓璁や负锛岀洰鍓嶇◣鍔¢儴闂ㄥ湪姝ゆ柟闈㈠姩浣滄湁鐐圭◢鎱? He said, because the scope of the implementation of new accounting standards is still limited to listed companies, compared to other companies is the implementation. In other words, you can do can not execute, so the tax sector, there is a policy of transition. In addition, regardless of how changes in the accounting system, tax policy, if unchanged, the taxpayers or tax payments from tax in accordance with accounting principles.

Capital University of Economics Professor Zhang Chunping, Shandong Finance Institute Professor Cai Changfu, the Chinese team of experts Wang Lingdeng tax net policy statement, also in the use of new accounting standards for attention were two tips. First, note that the application of fair value must meet strict preconditions. In accordance with the provisions of the new accounting standards, listed companies should establish and improve related with the fair value of the decision-making system, in strict accordance with the new standards require, carefully selected and appropriate fair value measurement model. To determine the fair value method of valuation assumptions and the main parameters related to the selection of a determined, it should be full disclosure. Meanwhile, for compliance with international practices and China's actual conditions, such as some financial assets and liabilities, exchange and other non-monetary assets, allowing the use of fair value. Made for some media, "the introduction of fair value will significantly increase business risk of profit and loss control, accounting information will lead to chaos" problem, experts think this worry is unnecessary. Because the new guidelines on the use of fair value set many restrictions, so long as the correct grasp, we can accurately and effectively monitor the application.

銆??浜屾槸鍦ㄨ繍鐢ㄤ竴浜涘噯鍒欓」鐩椂锛岃鎶婃彙濂芥斂绛栫晫闄愩? Accounting Standards in the construction of certain significant accounting policies for the appropriate adjustments and improvement of relevant standards of these projects, to grasp the policy limits, the policy is good, with properly. For example, the new guidelines require companies timely provision for asset impairment, impairment loss is recognized, to reflect the true value of the assets, but did not allow the companies make more impairment, but does not allow enterprises to establish a secret preparation, also does not allow pre-identified impairment of long-term assets to be back, but against corporate use of old and new convergence criteria for the occasion, random early reversal of impairment losses, adjusted profit.鍙堝锛屾柊鍑嗗垯鏀瑰彉浜嗙爺鍙戣垂鐢ㄧ殑鍋氭硶锛屽厑璁稿皢閮ㄥ垎寮?彂鏀嚭璧勬湰鍖栦綔涓鸿祫浜х‘璁ゅ垪鎶ャ? This policy will greatly improve the high-tech companies, venture capital enterprises or larger corporate R & D financial position and performance level, encouraging these companies to increase R & D investment. But these expenses must meet stringent recognition criteria, does not allow companies will not meet the requirements of the development expenditure recognized as an intangible asset.瑕佹帉鎻″ソ杩欎簺鍏蜂綋鐨勬斂绛栵紝灏遍渶瑕佷紒涓氳储鍔′汉鍛樺拰鐩稿叧璐d换浜轰弗鏍兼妸鍏筹紝鍒囧疄鎵挎媴璧疯矗浠绘潵銆?br />


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Monday, October 18, 2010

Servlet Programming with Servlet Display Pictures

Servlet servlet used to do programming in a tracking image click technology, this module large one, here to talk about with the Servlet display picture part. First talk show with a picture of a process Servlet:

1. Servlet programming in response to set the output type:

The corresponding statement - response. SetContentType ("image / gif; charset = GB2312"),

銆??response 渚胯兘杈撳嚭gif鍥剧墖锛?amp;quot;image/gif;charset=GB2312"渚挎槸杈撳嚭绫诲瀷锛屽綋鐒朵綘鍙互杈撳嚭 "image/jpg;charset=GB2312"绫诲瀷鏂囦欢銆?br />
銆??2. 瀹炵幇Servlet鏄剧ず鍥剧墖涔嬪緱鍒版枃浠舵祦锛?br />
銆??servlet鏄互娴佺殑褰㈠紡浠跺浘鐗囨枃浠朵粠鏈嶅姟鍣ㄨ鍑猴紝閫氳繃response灏嗘祦鍙戝埌娴忚鍣ㄧ殑銆?br />
銆??3. 瀹炵幇Servlet鏄剧ず鍥剧墖涔嬪緱鍒拌緭鍑烘祦锛?br />
銆??瀵瑰簲鐨勮鍙?-OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream(); 褰撶劧锛屽鐞嗗浘鐗囨枃浠堕渶瑕佷互浜岃繘鍒跺舰寮忕殑娴併?

銆??4. 瀹炵幇Servlet鏄剧ず鍥剧墖涔嬫枃浠舵祦鐨勭紪鐮?浣嗕篃涓嶄竴瀹氬繀椤荤紪鐮佺殑锛屽鏋滀笉鏄枃浠舵祦锛屽垯蹇呴』缂栫爜) 鎵?互鎴戠粰澶у涓?釜鐢ㄧ紪鐮佺殑浠g爜鍜屼笉鐢ㄧ紪鐮佺殑浠g爜.

銆??椤轰究璇翠竴鍙ワ紝sun鍏徃浠呮彁渚涗簡jpg鍥剧墖鏂囦欢鐨勭紪鐮乤pi銆?br />
銆??鎴戞兂鍩烘湰娴佺▼閮借瀹屼簡锛屼笅闈㈡垜鎶婁唬鐮佹嬁缁欏ぇ瀹剁湅涓?笅锛屽ぇ瀹惰嚜鐒朵竴鐩簡鐒朵簡锛?br />
銆??package xjw.personal.servet; import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;


銆??import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class ShowPicture extends HttpServlet{ private static final String GIF="image/gif;charset=GB2312";


銆??private static final String JPG="image/jpeg;charset=GB2312"; public void init() throws ServletException { } public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { doPost(request, response); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { String spec=request.getParameter("spec"); //杈撳嚭鍥剧墖鐨勭被鍨嬬殑鏍囧織 int int_spec=Integer.parseInt(spec); if(spec==1) { String imagePath="/jfgg/b1.jpg"; //鍥剧墖鐩稿web搴旂敤鐨勪綅缃?} else { String imagePath="/jfgg/b2.gif";

銆??鍥剧墖鐩稿web搴旂敤鐨勪綅缃?br />
銆??} OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();//寰楀埌杈撳嚭娴?if(imagePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg"))//浣跨敤缂栫爜澶勭悊鏂囦欢娴佺殑鎯呭喌锛?{ response.setContentType(JPG);//璁惧畾杈撳嚭鐨勭被鍨?//寰楀埌鍥剧墖鐨勭湡瀹炶矾寰?imagePath = getServletContext().getRealPath(imagePath);


銆??InputStream imageIn = new FileInputStream(new File(imagePath)); //寰楀埌杈撳叆鐨勭紪鐮佸櫒锛屽皢鏂囦欢娴佽繘琛宩pg鏍煎紡缂栫爜 JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(imageIn); //寰楀埌缂栫爜鍚庣殑鍥剧墖瀵硅薄 BufferedImage image = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage(); //寰楀埌杈撳嚭鐨勭紪鐮佸櫒 JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(output); encoder.encode(image);//瀵瑰浘鐗囪繘琛岃緭鍑虹紪鐮?imageIn.close();//鍏抽棴鏂囦欢娴?} if(imagePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif"))//涓嶄娇鐢ㄧ紪鐮佸鐞嗘枃浠舵祦鐨勬儏鍐碉細 { response.setContentType(GIF); ServletContext context = getServletContext();//寰楀埌鑳屾櫙瀵硅薄 InputStream imageIn=context.getResourceAsStream(imagePath);//鏂囦欢娴?BufferedInputStream bis=new BufferedInputStream(imageIn);//杈撳叆缂撳啿娴?BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream(output);//杈撳嚭缂撳啿娴?byte data[]=new byte[4096];//缂撳啿瀛楄妭鏁?int size=0;; while (size!=-1) { bos.write(data,0,size);; } bis.close(); bos.flush();//娓呯┖杈撳嚭缂撳啿娴?bos.close(); } output.close(); } }

銆??鏈?悗鏄浣曡皟鐢紝浣犲彲浠ョ畝鍗曠殑鏄犲皠涓?笅servelt锛屾垜灏卞皢servet鐨勫悕鏄犲皠涓篠howPic, 浜庢槸涓嬩唬鐮佽皟鐢?br />
銆??锕tml锕ャ? 銆?工body锕ャ? 銆?工img src="ShowPic?spec=2"锕ワ工/a锕?锕?body锕?锕?html锕?br />


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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nine team roles and play

Grand Southern Henny Management Belbin (RM Belbin) and colleagues conducted a study on team responsibilities. To the large number of managers from around the world to teach process, Belbin observe student participation in group work program behavior patterns. The duties of these students varied, their ethnic and cultural background are different. After years of observation, Belbin team found that among the team members depends on a combination of acts, rather than by geography, culture and other factors dominate.

Understanding of the various team roles and responsibilities of the strengths and weaknesses of each is very important. This will help us to assess their position in the team, as well as their own team and how to make the most valuable contribution to the team.
(1) The duties of the following nine team roles:
鈼?鈹?鈹?leaders doing things calm leadership
鈼?鈹?鈹?driven by energetic, strong-willed leader
鈼?鈹?鈹?innovators team think-tank
鈼?鈹?鈹?good at monitoring and assessment team to monitor the performance of
鈼?鈹?鈹?team executives, "the staff"
鈼?coordinator 鈹?鈹?care needs of members
鈹?鈹?鈼?resources to check it are good to call for help
鈼?鈹?鈹?who carry out the work progress to ensure the team to catch up
鈼?鈹?鈹?professionals expertise, experience and skills of providers

Each of these functions on the team are helpful and effective cooperation, but these responsibilities can not by individuals alone. Therefore, if the cooperation of team play to the best results, be required to complete the task, proper arrangements for the most appropriate person to play each role.

(2) Nine Role Description and Interpretation:

Do you like to lead the team, using democratic means and hope everyone will participate, but you also know when to hold back to power. Achieve team goals are very important, you will work out priorities and determine the role of all players on their very clear understanding. You are a practical and able to withstand the pressure of people at work like to orthodox methods.

Driven by
Do you like team work dominated the hope that members comply with your instructions, you make the decision is decisive and practical and will insist on their views, do you think is important to achieve the goal, so the players are very stringent performance requirements You do not have patience, but the players also respect your enthusiasm and courage.

You are a creative person, always like to put forward new ideas, because sometimes people are very confident the lack of people skills, such as the views of others to criticize you, you will become unhappy, so sometimes you would prefer to stay away from other players to avoid conflict.

Careful analysis of the views you like to see whether they meet the team goals and direction, you do a conscientious and smart, so it can ignore the problems you have also seen, because of that, people will think you are picky, but at least you think this can be avoided mistakes.
The face of complex information in your ability to understand a meaning, so as to formulate the best policy.

You are a practical and very efficient people can focus and see clearly the objectives, work and effectiveness of the views of some avant-garde is not interested in you doing things carefully and decisive, focused on details rather than speed, when you were a tasks, the most do not like is to have a lot of temporary changes.

Your primary concern is people and their emotions, you can readily see that other people's strengths and weaknesses, when others do not happy, you try to open solution, do you think there should not compete with each other, a team should be like a happy families. You also like to explore the potential of others, also be able to start communicating with the silent man.

Resource check it out by
You are very curious and like to explore things outside the team and the work of others, you create a lot of contact, also know how to use other people's strengths. If you have a lot of change will feel dull, and sometimes you are too impulsive, you know how to explore new methods and to persuade and motivate other team members.

Implementation of those
Do you like the ideal job done, for example, completed on time, or you will become worried that you will continue to improve the local people so they will not be complacent, so you will see more focus on the details of the error and also because of this, you will sometimes offended others, but they are not careful to prevent their becoming too complacent or lazy.

Do you have professional or technical knowledge, can be used in simple ways to explain complex concepts, you encourage other people to look at things objectively, for people who do not understand you, sometimes you impatient, for others to criticize you will alert. Overall, you are a sense of direction and objectives of the struggle for the people, by chance, you will be quite stubborn.


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Monday, September 27, 2010

Why did the Japanese car manufacturer SCM is better than the U.S.

Now many manufacturers often complain about inefficient suppliers. However, the manufacturer supplier before the accused may be more should check their policies and procedures. Manufacturers from the United States car manufacturers, Japanese auto makers as well as the two suppliers to provide parts found in supply chain operations "have" and "lost."

In the 20th century, 80's and 90's, Japanese auto makers in the United States established a strong production capacity, and their world-class manufacturing standards quickly become the new U.S. auto industry quality standards. These guidelines go far beyond the time (JIT) delivery of parts to the factory, including all aspects of lean manufacturing (see "Lean manufacturing and time delivery"). Japanese car manufacturers, with their lean focus on capacity, realize that their success depends on developing a local supply of library, which means that they share with the U.S. supplier manufacturing management guidelines and technology. These guidelines and technology makes a similar factory in Japan are very competitive. Taking into account the mainland area and the transport system to achieve on-time delivery is not very reliable, many skeptics maintain that lean manufacturing will never be effective in North America. However, Japanese companies in the United States proved that is not the case. U.S. automakers began to follow the Japanese counterparts leader in lean manufacturing direction and request them to change their suppliers to provide logistics services on time.

Suppliers recipe for success

- Operation in the U.S. Japanese manufacturers and their suppliers to work together developing lean capacity.
- Japan's balance of their factory production tasks in order to avoid peak demand, allowing fewer suppliers inventory.
- Set up a factory in Japan ordered the delivery time windows (time windows) system, in which all parts must be received at the delivery facility.
- Japanese factories using lean transportation system to handle mixed-load, small-volume delivery. Sometimes the establishment of a cross-dock (cross-dock) to the large volume of goods re-divided into smaller quantities.
- Japanese factories to encourage suppliers only at a particular point in time delivery of parts assembly plant in need, even if it means some-filled truck. On the effective implementation of a lean program for automobile manufacturers, suppliers and their in-house logistics activities from the traditional large-scale manufacturing systems to changes in lean systems, it appears to be crucial. In fact, this is not entirely correct. Car manufacturers and logistics activities within the management strategy - in other words, the customer's logistics activities and their own internal management policies - may have the capacity of suppliers (vendors to respond to the capacity of lean systems and customers at the right time so and appropriate access to appropriate parts location ability) has a far-reaching implications.

Lean manufacturing and time delivery

Although JIT and lean manufacturing have been too much publicity, on what they are and how to make them function effectively may seem unclear. Lean manufacturing is the manufacturing of wisdom, it focused on the delivery time to the minimum cost of the highest quality products. This is a production system, but also focus on value stream systems. Value stream, including the raw materials into products that customers need to process all the steps that need. Any process can not do this step is considered wasteful steps. Indispensable, when the value stream in the distant flow between customers and suppliers, obsolete, resources are wasted - the value of value-added products can not simply from the process flow of the process add value. So lean supply chain management objective is to minimize this waste, so that products can flow to maximum efficiency. Lean manufacturing is a key part of delivering on time - at the right time to the right parts to the right place. The supply of U.S. suppliers to prove the performance of the North American automotive industry supply chain management clients on the impact of policies: U.S. suppliers to supply Japanese auto parts manufacturers for the U.S. auto makers than to provide more efficient components.
To compare the three major automobile manufacturers and the Japanese factory's policies and guidelines, Jeffrey K. Linker and Yen-Chun Wu investigated for both the U.S. and Japan provide similar products supplier. Suppliers of products or logistics managers fill in for their biggest U.S. and Japanese auto manufacturers provide parts manufacturing and logistics activities when the questionnaire. Because a provider may operate several internal logistics and external logistics completely different factories, we focus on a single plant, and from the same suppliers as independent multiple plant conditions. We not only investigated the overall difference between the U.S. and Japanese customers, but also investigated the specific customers What's the difference: the U.S. auto makers Ford, General Motors and Chrysler; Japan Honda Motor, Nissan Motor, Toyota and other manufacturers. A total of 91 vendors describe their U.S. and Japanese customers. We found that Japanese auto manufacturers would effectively target lean manufacturing "into the" U.S. suppliers, in these guidelines, they are more successful than their U.S. rivals. Here is a Japanese manufacturer's recipe for success and the U.S. auto manufacturers operating mode of the investigation, even though manufacturers try to follow the guidelines for lean manufacturing and logistics, they fail to meet performance standards in Japan.

First, access to lean manufacturing Japanese car manufacturers, and compared with the United States, more emphasis on long-term business relationship.
When Toyota, Honda and Nissan in the United States set up the engine and assembly plants, they brought the Japanese suppliers - these suppliers have already mastered lean manufacturing and logistics. But under pressure from the United States Government, car manufacturers started looking for to meet their stringent cost, quality and delivery standards of local suppliers. This is not easy to do. Japanese auto makers face a choice: to accept the lower performance of suppliers, or investment and to improve relations with U.S. suppliers, the church they lean manufacturing. Eventually they decided to develop and direct suppliers. Simply look at a Toyota Motor and one of his supplier Johnson Controls case, she could be sent to the assembly line in the chair until a few hours of production to the Toyota is known for deliver seats. Prior to working for Toyota, suppliers will save a lot of seat inventory. Work for Toyota, and in 1992 to Georgetown, Kentucky plant after the transition to lean manufacturing, inventory turnover days fell to 4.1 days from 32. This requires many internal changes, such as the time from 6 hours to install mold compressed to 17 minutes. Indeed, customer / supplier relationship is to the success of Japanese manufacturers with innovative manufacturing and purchasing criteria of a decisive factor. Japanese manufacturers and a small number of suppliers a close relationship and exchange of information through a wide range of these suppliers and factory production systems and integrate JIT delivery system. Our data show that the Japanese auto manufacturers to suppliers of investment is worth it. In the same supplier factories, the same services as their American competitors compared to the production line for the Japanese auto parts manufacturers to supply the production line is more lean. In Japan, where U.S. suppliers, the Japanese car manufacturers to focus on maintaining low inventory levels, maintain production levels and quality integration.

(A) to maintain low inventory levels the key to the success of lean manufacturing is to maintain low inventory levels. (See "Comparative supplier performance indicators") Ideally, the customer from the need for a supplier of components to produce the parts is a very short time interval. In the case of traditional mass production, the supplier's production schedule according to their organization of production regardless of whether the customers really need these products. This supplier inventory storage to several weeks, but can not provide the products our customers need. In the case of small batch production, product suppliers and customers in the swift flow. Small batch of products is clearly meant lower stock inventory costs, but there are other more important benefits. Providers can more quickly respond to changing customer needs. They can quickly identify products which need to pick out any flaws or defects in components of the potential re-processing less. Activities for invalid persons less, if the volume of inventory shipped from one place to the factory, productivity is improved. At the same time as the Japanese and U.S. customers manufacturing and transportation suppliers of similar products factory, Japanese manufacturers to maintain their inventory level than for the U.S. car manufacturers to maintain low inventory levels. For the Japanese manufacturers service providers to obtain the inventory turnover rate is 38.3 (the ratio of annual sales and average inventory) and for U.S. clients to maintain the inventory turnover rate of 25.4. They are also more low-maintenance product (WIP) inventories, end customers in Japan for their supply and goods in transit (on-truck) inventory. Customers in Japan and the United States also highlighted significant differences between them. In the Japanese auto manufacturers, Toyota inventory at least, it is recognized as the first Toyota production system has a lean manufacturing company. Chrysler leader in the U.S. auto industry, his early to provide parts assembly plant, the investment JIT system. Ford's in-transit products (on the wheel) the highest. Although the United States still lag behind their Japanese competitors, but they are moving forward. However, delivery is still common over the past week, in order to reduce inventory in the delivery direction of the Japanese, the United States have been major changes. For example, Ford, although in-transit product is high, but as part of Ford's production system, Ford has been a positive shift to more frequent deliveries of small quantities.

You might think that there can not reduce the inventory will be delivered to customers on or off assembly line of risk, which in turn sent a truck or even the use of helicopters, leading to more expensive shipping costs. Despite running less inventory, but the Japanese manufacturers have not only to pay high shipping costs. In fact, the Japanese manufacturers pay the cost of emergency shipments (sales of $ 371 per million) than the cost of U.S. auto manufacturers (sales of $ 714 per million) lower. Toyota supplier is the best operators, the cost is $ 204, while end here Chrysler is the worst case cost of $ 1 235.

Consider reducing Toyota's U.S. supplier of the numerous benefits of the stock. When Toyota started Lexus from the Garden State Tanning for the purchase of leather car seat, car manufacturers found that GST can not keep up with demand. Suppliers often can not be shipped and must transform from a planned maritime air to prepare the leather seat of the Toyota factory in Japan. Although the GST paid emergency shipment costs, Toyota suppliers are not satisfied with the completion. Manufacturers set a group of experts to Toyota Production System GST, to cooperate with each plant, from the CEO to the ordinary worker, factory equipment, this team will move to One-piece flow cells, implementation of the kanban system for cutting leather and cut Kraft stock swap to develop standard processes.

GST's CEO confident will lead to reduced inventories increase in the number can not be shipped. To his surprise, with the leather stock fell from 112 000 to less than 40 000, the cost of emergency air vertically down to near zero. Meanwhile, virtually eliminating quality defects, productivity doubled, while the delay time by the annual event down to two from 242. The supplier within two years to achieve such results without spending additional funds.

(B) to maintain production levels

Lean Manufacturing's success depends on an appropriate level of production schedule, that is, different products must be evenly distributed, to minimize the upstream business and supplier uncertainty. Toyota will define the appropriate level of production in the assembly process, "even within the span of production and description of the distribution of workload (volume and specification)", so suppliers can have a smooth and stable demand stream. An uneven production schedules (for example, the manufacture of two high-volume manufacture of high-volume automotive steering for the four-door car) will dramatically increase the demand for suppliers. In order to deal with peak, suppliers are forced to maintain high inventory levels to ensure customer needs to prepare the unexpected. Donnelly Morrors to non-uniform arrangements for the production of finished products to customers to maintain customer inventory called the "wall of shame" (wall of shame).

For suppliers to provide a predictable schedule (and stable demand for order and regular), a small amount of stock and needed only cover unexpected fluctuations in demand for lean logistics system is especially important. Japanese manufacturers in this regard than their American competitors. Order of their demand is stable, reflecting their greater level of assembly plant schedule. Honda, Nissan, and Toyota in their Japanese counterparts also stand out. Toyota is particularly sensitive to the level of production, which is the core of the Toyota Production System principles. Manufacturers that can not maintain a uniform schedule of customers have no right to use a JIT pull (pull) system. Production of non-standard arrangements for customers only to impose their chaotic systems in the supply of providers, and suppliers to pay higher inventory costs, and all related ills and emergency delivery due to higher transportation costs. However, the three giant wake up too late. In fact, only the Chrysler being improved and modified. Than Ford and General Motors supplier, Chrysler suppliers plan their production schedule from, can be relaxed. They stock less and still consistently meet customer needs. Chrysler to control production schedules to keep even the ability may help to explain the company's lower inventory levels.

Have written a lot about the "Bullwhip (bull whip)" Effect of the article, the customer plant a small change in schedule will result in a greater imbalance supplier factories, and suppliers of suppliers for even greater volatility. In short, to maintain a uniform schedule of production orders would have an impact on secondary and tertiary levels. Japanese manufacturers and U.S. manufacturers affected the progress of activities arranged by the supplier to maintain the level of production capacity: the same supplier for the Japanese manufacturers than for the U.S. auto makers to maintain a higher level of degree production. And when the first-class suppliers to carry out the level of production, their second-tier suppliers to reduce inventory and better based on the shipping time.

Goods in full, the Japanese customers than the customers in the U.S. pressure on suppliers smaller. In addition, if not full of trucks, only 8% of Japanese customers of suppliers were fined, while 33% of U.S. customers have been fine suppliers. Ford truck suppliers bear the full pressure of the special, which is a Toyota supplier formed a sharp contrast. Ford ranked very low in the lean inventory area, particularly its high level of inventory in transit, this part can be explained by the company's shipping policy. Ford wants to use all of the truck space to reduce transport costs, the company based on the minimum weight requirement, require suppliers to fill trucks. Ford usually pay transportation costs, but can not meet the minimum target of suppliers have to pay shipping costs. Ford's policy of encouraging suppliers to fill trucks, Ford, regardless of whether these parts. The norms and at the right time, delivered to the appropriate parts of this core right place contrary to the basic principles of lean manufacturing.

(C) the quality of integration

Suppliers to customers in the U.S. and Japan to deliver the same quality of the product, but for U.S. customers supplied, often within the scrap and rework aspects of the cost is much higher than Japan. This is because Japanese manufacturers for the supply of quality measures to adopt a "prevention, process control," while U.S. manufacturers use the "after-examination."

Adopt a "prevention, process control," the quality policy is another effective lean manufacturing needs. After replacing the quality (leading to expensive repair costs and maintenance of workshop space, a waste of space), rely on formal testing to find defects, workers unusual at any time can stop the production line.

Although the United States and Japan customers receive the products from the supplier's quality requirements are not very different. However, suppliers report: provide parts for Japanese scrap and rework products significantly higher than the number three U.S. car giant small number of suppliers. In other words, the supplier sent to customers the same quality of goods, but the internal scrap and rework, in order to U.S. customers pay a higher cost. Obviously suppliers for the Japanese manufacturers supplied more willing to improve quality, and supplied to U.S. customers only after the detection quality.

Second, to achieve transport and delivery on time

Lean manufacturing can be made to minimize inventory and avoid waste, but it is very dependent on low-volume, high-frequency components of the shipment, but also orderly, timely, and keep costs low. As Japanese manufacturers in lean manufacturing, outstanding. Similarly, also in JIT logistics excellence. In general, in addition to the load (the number of trucks can carry over), in all aspects of logistics performance, as Japanese manufacturers supplier suppliers supply more than three giant suppliers to obtain a higher score. U.S. factory goods suppliers is 68% load level, while the Japanese suppliers, only 47% load level. Customer policy difference is the reason: the U.S. supplier of truck parts customers punish the behavior of loaded, and the Japanese customers expect only the parts supplier when necessary, transport the necessary accessories.

When it comes to delivery and transport system, Japanese manufacturers have done right? Them with the major carriers have developed sophisticated cooperative relationship between the proposed strict delivery requirements, through the use of innovative delivery methods and effective loading methods (such as product mix loading) to compensate for long-distance transportation in the United States the cost.

(A) the development of close relations with carriers

Develop close links with transport carriers and the development of relatively small parts with close supplier relationships as important as its vehicle manufacturers deliver lean manufacturing and the effective functioning of the system is equally critical. By focusing on a small part of a selection of carriers, called "core carriers", such as lean manufacturing and installation business, closely arranged delivery, cargo tracking, and effective communication of information, access to effective and reliable services .

Japanese manufacturers and the three giant U.S. auto industry, the number of core carriers to the main cargo transportation. But the Japanese manufacturers than the American car manufacturers use more fully the major carriers: the Japanese average of 1.4 transportation company, with U.S. car manufacturers use 4.3 in contrast to the transport company. In addition, the carriers for the Japanese manufacturers to provide the highest shipment delivery services accounted for 92% of their total, while in the U.S. car manufacturers, the highest proportion of 75%.

When viewing individual car manufacturers, it is clear that one would see a huge difference. For example, Toyota (Toyota) and General Motors (GM) of the contrast is striking: Toyota uses only one carrier, and General Motors use the seven carriers. So as compared to GM and Toyota lead late, slow discharge is not surprising. With such a large number of core carriers, GM how carriers can integrate into the work schedule system, to give GM the highest priority to achieve optimum delivery it? Lesson is clear: if a car manufacturer to transport operations to the lowest bidder outsourcing, the result will be the shipping costs low, but not necessarily high-quality service. In a lean enterprise, not a lot of inventory reserves of insurance, reliable transportation services is critical. With the development of the relationship between carriers and requested that a continuous, on-time transport service as the highest priority.

Customers can establish a strict delivery conditions (on the frequency, delivering assigned time period and the effective loading and unloading), Lai stimulate suppliers by Gaijin their own operations and shipping activities to meet the Zhexie conditions.

Require suppliers to Japanese manufacturers often ship is a key to success. Few suppliers that customers receive shipments and inventories held by large-volume, increasing the cost of inventory storage, possession of valuable space, hide the quality issues. Service suppliers of Japanese manufacturers are also in the daily delivery service than the supplier for the U.S. operations more efficient: suppliers to Japanese manufacturers shipped 3.6 times daily, with three giant U.S. services providers 2.4 contrast. Chrysler suppliers shipped 4.0 times the daily average, and Ford suppliers shipped 1.1 times daily average contrast. Toyota supplier to all vehicle manufacturers stand in the forefront of delivery 5.0 times a day.

To avoid confusion and delivery terminal congestion, lean customers require suppliers within a specified time interval removal of the goods. Lean manufacturing aluminum trough a company to implement a strict time window (Time Windows), to shipping finished products. They also developed a very strict system, according to the time of delivery to avoid the completion of product inventory, a standardized method of loading and unloading time and finished products. Day delivery in order to ensure that shift, there is a uniform workflow. The result: always crowded in the 12 cargo terminals, 10 terminals are closed. Two were retained even use terminal all day, and the two terminals on the little delay to happen.

Similarly, there are indications that, on discharge and timely delivery, although in theory the U.S. car manufacturers to accept the basic principles of lean manufacturing, they do not understand this norm is a key element of effective. Only 34% of suppliers reported that their Japanese customers to allow truck drivers to deliver the prescribed time before the discharge. Instead, a full 63% of suppliers claimed that the U.S. car manufacturers to allow early discharge. U.S. clients and Japanese customers in the use of working time is not very different from the windows. However, carriers often can not really achieve the expectations of suppliers, especially in delivery to U.S. customers expectations of suppliers. Japanese manufacturers of carriers to 89% of supplier factories handling time window, and the United States in contrast to 79% of our customers. Note that, although required to achieve 100% GM, General Motors of the carriers have made only 72% of the time working.

(C) make up "from the Games," the lack of

North America covers a large area of the proposed lean manufacturers geographic challenges daunting. In Toyota City, Toyota is famous for JIT methods. Toyota City is located in a rural area outside of Nagoya, in a unique geographic environment. More land, and suppliers to Toyota service, parts factory set up around the assembly plant. Parts in the assembly line needs just a few hours before, the supplier will receive the demand signal, and the ability to transport Toyota all day just needs several accessories, while the production well before the delivery of needed parts.

When suppliers hundreds of miles from the assembly plant, and delivery takes several hours, obviously this does not work. Our results show that the supplier to the customer, the average transport distance between the two countries are similar: to Japanese customers for the 376 miles, the distance corresponding to U.S. customers is 356 miles. But the Japanese manufacturers have found a remedy in the United States encountered the method of geographical distance. "Routine transport (milk run)", or mixed delivery is the answer. If a factory is an assembly plant can provide enough product to fill several trucks a day, then the traditional point to point delivery of lean manufacturing in the run well. However, if the situation is not as routine transport (milk run) (involving several suppliers to assembly plants and office stopped) is preferable.

U.S. customers more than their counterparts in Japan tend to carry a single product: 33% of U.S. customers to use a single product load, with Japanese customers in contrast to 16%. In addition, 57% of U.S. customers to use point to point delivery of cargo carriers, which is 37% of Japanese manufacturers in stark contrast. And 18% of Japanese manufacturers of goods delivered through the delivery mix, which U.S. auto manufacturers in contrast to only 8%.

Examples from the vendor can see only 13% of Toyota factory delivery of a single product, point of shipment. In the North American automotive industry, Toyota has become the leader in cross-dock technology. Cross-dock side to accept the vehicle in a warehouse loading products, while new combinations of goods, the mix of goods loaded in different vehicles. Automobile manufacturing industry has established cooperative, called cross-goods (transfreight), to teach companies how to use the Toyota Production System to manage cross-dock. Full delivery or regular delivery from each supplier into the cross-dock. Inventories of goods and then re-cross the city mixed load combinations, and transportation Toyota assembly plant just 1.5 hours the number of raw materials needed. Raw material flow through the body, the temporary storage time little more than a few hours. In the Nirvana project, Ford took a similar approach.

(D) effective loading methods used

In traditional manufacturing, the extra time spent loading and unloading of goods vehicles may result in additional labor costs, but those little extra labor costs. In contrast, lean manufacturing, loading and unloading time is critical, because there is no inventory buffer in the assembly line.鏀惧湪璐ц溅涓婄殑瀛樿揣琚嵏涓嬮渶瑕侀澶栫殑鍗婂皬鏃讹紝鍙兘鎰忓懗鐫?閰嶇嚎灏嗘?鍒囩瓑寰呴厤浠躲?

Japanese manufacturers of loading time was significantly less than the U.S. car manufacturers. Japanese customers, suppliers only need to install a cargo truck 38 minutes, while the U.S. provider customers need to spend 58 minutes. More special is that Ford and Chrysler suppliers to spend time loading Nissan and Toyota suppliers twice.

The results show that the side loading trucks from unloading can spend less time, but only for the Toyota service carriers use trucks with side-mounted equipment. Loaded truck in the end, only a very small space for moving parts, and workers working near the cab of the parts before, we must first move the tail parts. Side space for trucks offer a wide range of accessories for the whole truck. In addition, workers can choose to determine the order of discharge. Discharge at the same time, parts were sent to the local assembly plant similar to the store. However, side require substantial investment and cooperation from suppliers. If the supplier has established a set up for the last loaded truck loading terminal, the method has no effect.

Load can also be used in order to improve efficiency. Large vehicles customized for different products on the assembly line was built according to the requirements of the car to accurately order to be shipped to assembly plants. Not in the production line for the next production line flow downstream around to find the car seat, assembly line workers need only go one place, pick up the next parts order. This allows workers to concentrate their efforts on assembling cars, rather than looking for a fitting, and this also reduced for a particular car the wrong parts of the probability. Japanese auto makers tend to use more than their U.S. counterparts in order load. Japanese manufacturers have a total of 19% of goods in the order of loading, and 3% of U.S. car manufacturers contrast. Toyota supplier to obtain the highest score, was 34%.

Truck drivers and loading will be the responsibility of workers to distinguish an effective vehicle transmission system, it can improve the loading efficiency. The system involves giving up an extra truck supplier factories or trailers, which suppliers can load the driver before the goods reach the dock. A truck driver can be loaded immediately leave the vehicle, rather than wait for it to be filled.涓烘棩鏈埗閫犲晢鏈嶅姟鐨勪緵搴斿晢鏇村?鍚戜簬浣跨敤棰濆鐨勮揣杞︽垨鑰呮寕杞︼紝灏ゅ叾鏄湰鐢扮殑渚涘簲鍟嗭紝浠栦滑涓棿66%閮借繖鏍峰仛鐨勩?

聽聽聽 缁撹

聽聽聽 鎴戜滑瀵规湇鍔′簬缇庡浗姹借溅鍒堕?鍟嗗拰鏃ユ湰鍒堕?鍟嗙殑渚涘簲鍟嗗伐鍘傦紙甯︽湁鐢熶骇绾匡級鐨勬瘮杈冩彮绀猴細渚涘簲鍟嗗鎴风殑琛屼负杈冨ぇ鐨勫奖鍝嶄緵搴斿晢褰㈡垚绮剧泭鍒堕?鐨勮兘鍔涖?鍏充簬渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗭紝缇庡浗姹借溅鍒堕?涓氱殑涓夊法鎿樺凡缁忓叕鐒剁殑閲囩敤浜嗙簿鐩婂埗閫犲拰JIT鐗╂祦鐨勬柟妗堛?鐒惰?鏁版嵁琛ㄦ槑浠栦滑浠嶇劧鍙互浠庢敼杩涗腑鍙楃泭銆傚悓鏍风殑渚涘簲鍟嗗湪鏈嶅姟浜庢棩鏈鎴锋椂锛屽伐鍘傚拰鐗╂祦涓湁鏇村姞绮剧泭鐨勬搷浣溿?閫氳繃鏇村鐨勬瘮杈冭〃鏄庯紝鏈嶅姟浜庝赴鐢扮殑渚涘簲鍟嗘槸鏈?簿鐩婄殑銆傝繖涓嶆槸璇村湪鎵?湁鐨勬寚鏍囦腑缇庡浗姹借溅鍒堕?鍟嗛兘鏄晥鐜囦綆涓嬨?鍦ㄥ緢澶氭祴閲忔寚鏍囦腑锛屽叕鍙告儏鍐典笉鍚岋紝涓夊法鎿樹笌鏃ユ湰绔炰簤瀵规墜鍔垮潎鍔涙晫锛岃繖寰堟湁鍙兘鏄洜涓轰笁宸ㄥご涓?洿绉瀬鐨勯泦涓簿绁炶繘琛屾敼杩涖?

聽聽聽 鏃ユ湰鍒堕?鍟嗗湪鍖楃編鏄浣曟敼杩涗粬浠嚭浼楃殑绮剧泭渚涘簲閾剧殑锛?br />
聽聽聽 渚涘簲鍟嗘垚鍔熺璇?br />
l 鍦ㄧ編鍥借繍浣滅殑鏃ユ湰鍒堕?鍟嗕笌浠栦滑鐨勪緵搴斿晢鍏卞悓宸ヤ綔鍙戝睍绮剧泭鑳藉姏銆?br />
l 鏃ユ湰鐨勫伐鍘傚潎琛¤嚜宸辩殑鐢熶骇浠诲姟浠ラ伩鍏嶅嚭鐜伴渶姹傞珮宄帮紝浠庤?浣垮緱渚涘簲鍟嗗簱瀛樻洿灏戙?

l 鏃ユ湰鐨勫伐鍘傚缓绔嬩簡涓?釜鏈夊簭鐨勪氦浠樻椂闂寸獥锛坱ime windows锛夌郴缁燂紝鍏朵腑鎵?湁鐨勯厤浠跺繀椤诲湪浜よ揣宸ュ巶鏀跺埌銆?br />
l 鏃ユ湰宸ュ巶鍒╃敤绮剧泭杩愯緭绯荤粺鏉ュ鐞嗘贩鍚堣杞姐?鎵归噺灏忕殑浜よ揣銆傛湁鏃跺缓绔嬩竴涓氦鍙夌爜澶达紙cross-dock锛夋潵灏嗗ぇ鎵归噺璐х墿閲嶆柊鍒掑垎涓烘洿灏忔壒閲忋?

l 鏃ユ湰宸ュ巶榧撳姳渚涘簲鍟嗗湪鏌愪竴鐗瑰畾鏃堕棿鐐瑰彧杩愰?瑁呴厤宸ュ巶闇?鐨勯厤浠讹紝鍗充娇杩欐剰鍛崇潃鍗¤溅閮ㄥ垎鏈婊°?

聽聽聽 杩欐槸姹借溅琛屼笟鐨勭嫭鐗圭幇璞″悧锛熸樉鐒讹紝绛旀鏄?no鈥濄?鑸┖涓氥?閫犺埞涓氥?璁$畻鏈轰笟銆佸鍏蜂笟銆佹补婕嗕笟銆佺數璁笟浠ュ強閾濆埗琛屼笟锛堝彧涓惧嚑涓級鍙戝睍鈥滅簿鐩婂埗閫犫?鐨勫叕鍙搁潰涓村悓鏍风殑闂銆傝?铏慔erman Miller鐨勫垎鏀儴闂∕iller SQA閫夋嫨寤虹珛涓?潯鈥滅畝鍗曘?杩呴?鍜屾煍鎬э紙affordable锛夆?鐨勭簿鐩婅澶囩敓浜х嚎銆備负浜嗗儚璁歌鐨勮繀閫熶氦浠橈紝鍏徃闇?鎬ュ墽闄嶄綆璁㈣揣鍜屼氦璐т箣闂寸殑鏃堕棿锛屽洜涓轰粬浠殑绔炰簤瀵规墜鍦ㄦ敹鍒板鎴峰畾鍗曞埌鍚戝鎴峰彂璐у彧鏈変簩鍒板洓涓湀銆傞?杩囩郴缁熸鏌ヤ环鍊奸摼鐨勬瘡涓?楠ゅ拰鍓婂噺娴垂锛孧iller SQA鏈夎兘鍔涘皢璁㈣揣鍒板彂璐т箣闂寸殑鏃堕棿鍑忎负鍑犲懆锛涘湪鏈変簺鎯呭喌涓嬶紝鐢氳嚦鍙互鍑忓埌鍑犲ぉ銆傚叕鍙镐负瑁呴厤鍜岃澶囧缓绔嬩簡绮剧泭瑁呴厤鐢熶骇宸ュ巶锛屽苟鍦ㄨ閰嶅伐鍘傞檮杩戝畨瑁呬簡涓?釜娴嬮噺涓績锛堜竴涓氦鍙夌爜澶达級銆傞渶姹備俊鍙凤紙pull signal锛夎閫佸埌娴嬮噺涓績锛屽苟涓旈厤浠朵粎浠呭湪闇?鍓嶅嚑灏忔椂琚?鍒板伐鍘傘?鍦∕iller SQA鐨勫府鍔╀笅锛屼緵搴斿晢宸茬粡寮?彂鍑洪潪甯稿彲闈犵殑绮剧泭鍒堕?绯荤粺銆備緵搴斿晢涓庢祴閲忎腑蹇冮?杩囩數瀛愯繛鎺ワ紝鏀跺埌闇?眰淇″彿鍛婅瘔浠栦滑浠?箞鏃堕棿闇?琛ュ厖閰嶄欢銆?br />
聽聽聽 Miller SQA涓嶈兘鍧囧寑瀹夋帓浠栦滑鐨勭敓浜ц鍒掞紝鍥犱负瀹冨缓绔嬩簡璁惧鏉ヨ璐э紝浣嗘槸閫氳繃鍙戝睍绮剧泭渚涘簲鍟嗐?闈炲父鐏垫晱鐨勮閰嶈溅闂翠互鍙婁俊鎭妧鏈敮鎸侊紝鍏徃鍦ㄨ褰曟椂闂村唴浜や粯浜嗗嚑涔庤川閲忓畬缇庣殑400 000浠舵渶缁堜骇鍝併?

聽聽聽 寤虹珛涓?釜绮剧泭浠峰?閾剧殑濞佸姏閫愭笎琚ぇ瀹舵帴鍙楋紝骞朵笖鐢氳嚦鏄赴鐢伴兘鍧氭寔涓嶆噲鐨勭殑鏀硅繘绯荤粺銆傞殢鐫?數瀛愬晢鍔℃浼愮殑鍔犲揩浠ュ強瀹㈡埛鏈熸湜浜よ揣濡傝绠楁満涓?牱杩呴?锛屼笟缁╁帇鍔涘皢鍙樼殑鏇村姞绱ц揩銆傜簿鐩婂埗閫犵殑鏍稿績鏁欑泭灏辨槸锛岄?搴﹀苟涓嶆剰鍛崇潃澧炲姞鎴愭湰鍜岄檷浣庤川閲忋?缂╃煭鏃剁嚎锛坱ime line锛夊疄闄呬笂鑳藉鏀硅繘璐ㄩ噺鍜岄檷浣庢垚鏈?浣嗘槸瀹㈡埛涓嶈兘鍙槸鏈熸湜閫氳繃渚涘簲鍟嗘墽琛岀簿鐩婂埗閫犳爣鍑嗘潵鍙栧緱杩欎簺濂藉銆傚缓绔嬩竴涓簿鐩婁緵搴旈摼闇?鍦ㄤ环鍊奸摼鍏宠仈鐨勬墍鏈夊悎浼欎紮浼翠腑浜ゆ祦鎰忚銆?br />
聽聽聽 闄勶細璋冩煡鏃舵墍浣跨敤鐨勬柟娉?br />
聽聽聽 琚皟鏌ヨ?閮芥槸姹借溅琛屼笟鐨勪緵搴斿晢銆傛垜浠?鎷╂苯杞﹀埗閫犱笟鏄洜涓哄叾琛屼笟璧勬簮涓板瘜銆佷骇鍝佸鏉傦紝杩樺洜涓烘垜浠湁鏈轰細鍒版苯杞︿緵搴斿晢宸ュ巶杩涜鐮旂┒銆?姝ゅ锛屾苯杞﹁涓氭櫘閬嶈璁や负鏄竴涓噰鐢ㄧ簿鐩婃柟娉曟瘮杈冩垚鍔熺殑琛屼笟銆傛渶鍚庯紝鏈?繎瀹炶返鐮旂┒琛ㄦ槑渚涘簲鍟嗕笌缇庡浗姹借溅鍒堕?鍟嗙殑鍏崇郴姝e彂鐢熺潃杈冨ぇ鑼冨洿鐨勫彉闈╋紝姝e悜鐫?噰鍙栭伒寰棩鏈緵搴旈摼绠$悊鍑嗗垯鐨勬柟鍚戝墠杩涖?+

聽聽聽 鎴戜滑灏嗙編鍥界涓?骇姹借溅渚涘簲鍟嗗畾涔変负鐮旂┒缇や綋锛屼粬浠敓浜у崟涓?厤浠讹紝骞朵负缇庡浗姹借溅鍒堕?鍟嗗拰浣嶄簬缇庡浗鐨勬棩鏈埗閫犲晢棰勫畨瑁呴儴浠跺拰瀛愮郴缁熴?鎴戜滑鎺掗櫎鐮旂┒鍘熸潗鏂欍?鍗婂浣撱?鍖栧鍒跺搧銆侀潪鐩存帴鏉愭枡銆佸伐鍏峰拰鍐叉ā鎴栬?鍜ㄨ鍜屽伐绋嬫湇鍔$殑渚涘簲鍟嗐?鎴戜滑浣跨敤鈥?996 ELM Guide to U.S. Automotive Sourcing鈥濇敹闆嗘牱鏈?鎴戜滑闅忔満閫夋嫨骞撮攢鍞鑷冲皯$100 000 000鐨勫叕鍙革紝瀹冧滑澶ч兘浣嶄簬缇庡浗涓タ閮ㄥ湴鍖恒?鎴戜滑浣跨敤閿?敭棰濇爣鍑嗘潵甯姪灏嗘牱鏈檺瀹氬湪澶у瀷绗竴绾ф苯杞﹂厤浠朵緵搴斿晢锛屽畠浠洿鎺ュ彈鍒版苯杞﹀埗閫犲晢瀹㈡埛鐨勮喘涔版斂绛栧拰娲诲姩褰卞搷銆?br />
聽聽聽 鎴戜滑棰勫厛杩涜浜嗗嚑涓垵姝ョ殑鐜板満璁块棶鍜屼細瑙併?鎴戜滑瀹夋帓涓庡嚑涓悓鎰忚繘琛屼竴涓畝鐭噰璁跨殑渚涘簲鍟嗚闈紝鍦ㄦ垜浠闂墠鑷冲皯涓?懆锛屾垜浠彂閫佷簡鍒濇鐨勮皟鏌ヨ〃缁欏伐鍘傦紝璇锋眰缁忕悊棰勫厛濉啓璋冩煡琛紝鍥犳鎴戜滑鍙互璇勮骞惰璁哄洖绛旂殑绛旀銆傝繖鏍风殑宸ュ巶璁块棶浣垮緱璇嗗埆鏈?湁瑙佽瘑鐨勮璋冩煡鑰呭苟浠ヨ璋冩煡鑰呯殑璇█寮?彂鍑虹畝鍗曘?绠?磥鐨勯棶鍗烽」鐩彉鐨勫彲鑳姐?鎺ョ潃涓?釜闂嵎琚鍏堝湪10涓幇鍦烘楠岋紝鐒跺悗涓嶆柇杩涜淇敼浠ユ秷闄ゆā绯婃?鍜岄敊璇?鍦ㄥ伐鍘傝闂殑鍩虹涓婏紝鎴戜滑寮?彂鍑轰竴涓粨鏋勬?鐨勯棶鍗锋潵娴嬪害涓嶅悓鍏磋叮銆傜劧鍚庢垜浠繑鍥炲師鏉ョ殑10涓幇鍦猴紝鐢ㄦ渶缁堢殑闂嵎灏藉績璋冩煡锛屽苟灏嗚皟鏌ユ暟鎹寘鍚湪鐮旂┒涓?鎴戜滑閫氳繃mail鍜岀數璇濊窡韪闂皟鏌ュ彟澶栫殑鍏徃銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍦ㄦ牱鏈?鎷╂爣鍑嗙殑鍩虹涓婏紝鍚堟牸鐨勪緵搴斿晢绗竴姝ュ氨琚殢鏈虹瓫閫夊嚭鏉ャ?涓轰簡鎻愰珮鍝嶅簲鐜囷紝鎴戜滑浠庡伐鍘傜殑鍏徃鎬婚儴鑾峰緱鍑嗚锛岃姹傛?閮ㄥ悜鍏跺伐鍘傚彂閫佷竴灏佹敮鎸佷俊銆傚湪閭瘎璋冩煡琛ㄥ墠锛屾垜浠笌宸ュ巶杩涜鐢佃瘽鑱旂郴浠ョ‘瀹氭瘡涓?釜宸ュ巶鍚堥?鐨勮璋冩煡鑰呫?鐒跺悗鎴戜滑涓庢瘡涓?釜琚皟鏌ヨ?鐩存帴鑱旂郴鏉ヨВ閲婄爺绌剁殑鐩殑锛屽洖绛斾换浣曚笌鐮旂┒鐩稿叧鐨勯棶棰橈紝骞惰幏寰楀畠浠弬涓庣殑鍚屾剰銆?br />
聽聽聽 鎴戜滑浠庤璋冩煡鑰呮敹闆嗙爺绌堕渶瑕佺殑鏁版嵁锛岃璋冩煡鑰呯殑涓昏璐d换娑夊強鐢熶骇璁″垝銆佸師鏂欑鐞嗘垨鑰呭嚭鍘傝繍杈撱?鎴戜滑榧撳姳琚皟鏌ヨ?鍦ㄦ煇浜涢棶棰樹笂瀵绘眰甯姪锛岃繖浜涢棶棰樺彲浠ョ敱鍚戠敓浜с?搴撳瓨銆佽川閲忓拰杩愯緭閮ㄩ棬浜哄憳鏇寸簿纭殑鍥炵瓟鍑恒?

聽聽聽 鎴戜滑鎬诲叡鎺ヨЕ浜?56瀹跺伐鍘傘?鍦ㄨ繖浜涘巶瀹朵腑锛屽叓涓巶瀹剁珛鍒讳粠鐮旂┒涓鍒犻櫎锛屽洜涓哄伐鍘傜敱浜庝弗閲嶇殑鍔冲伐闂鎴栬?寰堝皯鐨勬苯杞﹂攢鍞鑰屽?闂簡銆?1瀹跺洜涓哄叕鍙告斂绛栥?绠$悊涓嶅彲鍒╃敤鎬т互鍙婃満瀵嗛檺鍒惰?鎷掔粷鍙備笌銆傚洜姝わ紝闂嵎琚彂閫佺粰137涓巶瀹讹紝骞朵笖鎴戜滑鏀跺埌108涓搷搴斻?鍦ㄨ繖浜涢棶鍗蜂腑锛屼簲涓鑸嶅純锛屽洜涓烘垜浠剰璇嗗埌浠栦滑涓嶆槸绗竴绾т緵搴斿晢銆傚洜鑰屽彲鐢ㄧ殑鍥炲涓嬮檷鍒?03涓紝瀵艰嚧鍝嶅簲鐜囨槸72%銆傚湪杩欎簺鍝嶅簲涓紝91%鐨勫巶瀹讹紙88%锛夋棦鍚戠編鍥芥苯杞﹀埗閫犲晢涔熷悜鏃ユ湰鍒堕?鍟嗕緵搴斾骇鍝併?


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

A record of random access Recordset

Assuming that this data table has a unique ID field, and at least one record. Random access method in which a record is very simple, can be divided into four steps:
1, to obtain records of the total number of n.
2, all the ID number stored in an array
3, generates a random number less than n, m
4, removed from the array of the first m-ID, query data table, record data obtained.
Here is some code:
set conn = Server.CreateObject ('ADODB.Connection') ''

'Backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news : 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar . gz xml2dict-read-only (step 1) backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap . html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read-only

set rs = conn.execute ('Select count (id) from someTable')
rCount = rs (0)

'Backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news : 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar . gz xml2dict-read-only (step 2) backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap . html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read-only

set rs = conn.execute ("select id from someTable")
cnt = 1
dim RRs
redim RRs (rCount)
do while not rs.eof
RRs (cnt) = rs (0)
cnt = cnt + 1

'Backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news : 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar . gz xml2dict-read-only (step 3) backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap . html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read-only

currentRR = cLng (rnd * rCount +0.5)
ID = RRs (currentRR)

'Backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news : 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar . gz xml2dict-read-only (step 4) backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap . html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read-only

sql = "select otherfield from someTable where id =" & ID
set rs = conn.execute (sql)
response.write "ID #" & ID & "=" & rs (0)
rs.close: set rs = nothing
conn.close: set conn = nothing
For SQL Server, there are more efficient ways. Such as the design of two stored procedures. I am here just to clarify some ideas, and hope that this idea can also be used in Access and SQL Server.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fireworks in the fade in animation production

Fade animation

Use fireworks to do fades, some say that they do not see the real PNG format, the steps, so at this meeting on such a tutorial.
Object fades is firewoks can create one common effect, the two linked frame when inserting objects, one object is set to 0% opacity, the opacity of an object is set to 100%, it can get fades.

Production steps:
1, first create a new file, draw a circle, set in FILL panel edge: feather: 10, feather set in motion the process aimed at the edge would not get stiff, effect. Point in the circle, press the F8 key, select the type: graphic, make it into a symbol.

Second, in the library panel to select the symbol, onto the screen. Repeat the last operation, and again one out. After the delay with the scale tool to pull out of that circle the size of their satisfaction, according to ctrl + a, select the two circles.
Third, align the modiya menu option selected, center vertical and center horizontal look at the various points, two balls in the center of a circle on the alignment. :)
Fourth, select the big circle in the object panel transparency set to 0.
5, to select two instances (ie, circular), the Commission modify the menu in the symbol-> tween instances, fill in the steps you want the number of frames. In this case I chose 3.
6, the effect complete.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Compilation of various source - DRIVER

name driver
page 55,132
title''DRIVER --- installable driver template''

; This is a "template" for a MS-DOS installable device driver.
; The actual driver subroutines are stubs only and have
; No effect but to return a non-error "done" status.
; Ray Duncan
; Laboratory Microsystems Inc.
; April 1985

code segment public''CODE''

driver proc far

assume cs: code, ds: code, es: code

org 0

Max_Cmd equ 15; MS-DOS command code maximum
; This is 15 for MS-DOS 3.x
; And 12 for MS-DOS 2.x

cr equ 0dh; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah; ASCII line feed
eom equ''$''; end of message signal

; Device Driver Header
Header dd -1; link to next device, -1 = end of list

dw 8000h; attribute word
; Bit 15 = 1 for character devices

dw Strat; device "Strategy" entry point

dw Intr; device "Interrupt" entry point

db''DRIVER''; char device name, 8 char, or
; If block device, no. Of units
; In first byte followed by
; 7 don''t care bytes

; Interpretation of Attribute word:
; Bit Significance
; 15 = 1 for character drivers
; 14 = 1 if driver can handle IOCTL
; 13 = 1 if block device & non-IBM format
; 12 0
; 11 open / close / RM supported (DOS 3.x)
; 100
; 90
; 80
; 70
; 60
; 50
; 40
; 3 = 1 if CLOCK device
; 2 = 1 if NUL device
; 1 = 1 if Standard Output
; 0 = 1 if Standard Input

; Local variables for use by driver
RH_Ptr dd?; Pointer to request header
; Passed to Strat by BDOS

Ident db cr, lf, lf
db''LMI Example Device Driver 1.0''
db cr, lf
db''Copyright (c) 1985''
db''Laboratory Microsystems Inc.''
db cr, lf, lf, eom
; MS-DOS Command Codes dispatch table.
; The "Interrupt" routine uses this table and the
; Command Code supplied in the Request Header to
; Transfer to the appropriate driver subroutine.

dw Init; 0 = init driver into system
dw Media_Chk; 1 = media check on blk dev
dw Build_Bpb; 2 = build BIOS param block
dw Ioctl_Inp; 3 = I / O ctrl read from dev
dw Input; 4 = normal destructive read
dw Nd_Input; 5 = non-destructive read, no wait
dw Inp_Stat; 6 = return current input status
dw Inp_Flush; 7 = flush device input buffers
dw Output; 8 = normal output to device
dw Outp_Vfy; 9 = output with verify
dw Outp_Stat; 10 = return current output status
dw Outp_Flush; 11 = flush output buffers
dw Ioctl_Outp; 12 = I / O control output
dw Dev_Open; 13 = device open (MS-DOS 3.x)
dw Dev_Close; 14 = device close (MS-DOS 3.x)
dw Rem_Media; 15 = removeable media (MS-DOS 3.x)
; MS-DOS Request Header structure definition
; The first 13 bytes of all Request Headers are the same
; And are referred to as the "Static" part of the Header.
; The number and meaning of the following bytes varies.
; In this "Struc" definition we show the Request Header
; Contents for Read and Write calls.
Request struc; request header template structure

; Beginning of "Static" portion
Rlength db?; Length of request header
Unit db?; Unit number for this request
Command db?; Request header''s command code
Status dw?; Driver''s return status word
Reserve db 8 dup (?); Reserved area
; End of "Static" portion

Media db?; Media descriptor byte
Address dd?; Memory address for transfer
Count dw?; Byte / sector count value
Sector dw?; Starting sector value

Request ends; end of request header template

; Status word is interpreted as follows:
; Bit (s) Significance
; 15 Error
; 10-14 Reserved
; 9 Busy
; 8 Done
; 0-7 Error code if bit 15 = 1

; Predefined BDOS error codes are:
; 0 Write protect violation
; 1 Unknown unit
; 2 Drive not ready
; 3 Unknown command
; 4 CRC error
; 5 Bad drive request structure length
; 6 Seek error
; 7 Unknown media
; 8 Sector not found
; 9 Printer out of paper
; 10 Write fault
; 11 Read fault
; 12 General failure
; 13-14 Reserved
; 15 Invalid disk change (MS-DOS 3.x)


; Device Driver "Strategy Routine"

; Each time a request is made for this device, the BDOS
; First calls "Strategy routine", then immediately calls
; The "Interrupt routine".

; The Strategy routine is passed the address of the
; Request Header in ES: BX, which it saves in a local
; Variable and then returns to the BDOS.

Strat proc far
; Save address of Request Header
mov word ptr cs: [RH_Ptr], bx
mov word ptr cs: [RH_Ptr +2], es

ret; back to BDOS

Strat endp


; Device Driver "Interrupt Routine"

; This entry point is called by the BDOS immediately after
; The call to the "Strategy Routine", which saved the long
; Address of the Request Header in the local variable "RH_Ptr".

; The "Interrupt Routine" uses the Command Code passed in
; The Request Header to transfer to the appropriate device
; Handling routine. Each command code routine is responsible
; For any necessary return information into the Request Header,
; Then transfers to Error or Exit to set the Return Status code.

Intr proc far

push ax; save general registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push di
push si
push bp

push cs; make local data addressable
pop ds

les di, [RH_Ptr]; ES: DI = Request Header

; Get BX = Command Code
mov bl, es: [di.Command]
xor bh, bh
cmp bx, Max_Cmd; make sure its legal
jg Unk_Command; too big, exit with error code
shl bx, 1; form index to Dispatch table
; And branch to driver routine
jmp word ptr [bx + Dispatch]


; General collection of exit points for the driver routines.

Unk_Command:; Come here if Command Code too big.
mov al, 3; Sets "Unknown Command" error
; Code and "Done" bit.

Error:; Transfer here with AL = error code.
mov ah, 81h; Sets "Error" and "Done" bits.
jmp Exit

Done: mov ah, 1; Come here if I / O complete and
; No error, sets "Done" bit only.

Exit:; General purpose exit point.
; Transfer here with AX =
; Return Status word to be
; Placed into Request Header.

lds bx, cs: [RH_Ptr]; set status
mov ds: [bx.Status], ax

pop bp; restore general registers
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret; back to BDOS


; Function 1 Media Check

; Block devices only. Should be a NOP for character devices.
; This routine is called first by BDOS for a block device transfer,
; Passing current media descriptor byte at Request Header +
; Media Check routine sets status word and in addition passes back
; Return byte at Request Header + 14 as follows:

; -1 Media has been changed
; 0 Don''t know if media changed
; 1 Media has not been changed
; If driver can return 1 or -1, performance is improved because
; MS-DOS does not need to reread the FAT for each directory access.


jmp Done


; Function 2 Build BIOS Parameter Block
; Block devices only. Should be a NOP for character devices.
; This routine is called by MS-DOS when Media-Changed code is
; Returned by Media Check routine, or if Not Sure code is returned
; And there are no dirty buffers.
; Build BPB call receives pointer to one-sector buffer in Address
; Field of Request Header (offset 14). If "Non-IBM-Format" bit
; In attribute word is zero, the buffer contains the first sector
; Of the FAT including the media identification byte and should not
; Be altered by the driver. If the "Non-IBM-Format" bit is set,
; The buffer mabe used as scratch space.;; The Build BPB routine sets status and returns a DWORD pointer to; the new Bios Parameter Block at Request Header + 18.; Build_Bpb: jmp Done page;; Function 3 I / O Control Read ;; Only called if IOCTL bit set in Device Header Attribute word.;; Called with:;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred;; No error check is performed on IOCTL I / O calls. Ioctl_Inp: jmp Done page;; Function 4 Read from Device;; Called with;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred Input: jmp Done page;; Function 5 Non-destructive Read from Device;; Character devices only.;; If Input Status request returns Busy bit = 0 (characters; waiting),; the next character that would be read is returned; at Request Header + 13. This character is not removed from; the Input Buffer. This basically provides the capability to; "look-ahead" by one character. Nd_Input: jmp Done page;; Function 6 Input Status;; Character devices only.;; Sets the Returned Status word:; Done bit = 1; Busy bit = 1 read request would go to physical device; = 0 characters already in device buffer, read request; would return quickly.;; MS-DOS assumes all character devices have type-ahead buffer.; If device does not have type-ahead buffer, should always; return Busy bit = 0 so MS-DOS will not hang. Inp_Stat: jmp Done page;; Function 7 Flush Input Buffers;; Character devices only.;; Terminate all pending requests, ie the Input buffer is; emptied. Inp_Flush : jmp Done page;; Function 8 Write to Device;; Called with;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred Output: jmp Done page;; Function 9 Write with Verify to Device;; Called with ;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred Outp_Vfy: jmp Done page;; Function 10 Output Status;; Character devices only.;; Sets the Returned Status word:; Done bit = 1; Busy bit = 1 write request would wait for completion of; current request; = 0 device idle, write request would start immediately.; Outp_Stat: jmp Done page;; Function 11 Flush Output Buffers;; Character devices only.;; Terminate pending requests. The output buffer, if any,; is emptied. Outp_Flush: jmp Done page;; Function 12 I / O Control Write;; Only called if IOCTL bit in Device Header Attribute word is set.;; Called with;; Request Header + 13 BYTE Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14 DWORD Transfer address; Request Header + 18 WORD byte / sector count; Request Header + 20 WORD starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18 WORD actual bytes or sectors transferred;; No error check is performed on IOCTL calls. Ioctl_Outp: jmp Done page;; Function 13 Device Open;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN / CLOSE / RM bit set in Attribute word.; May be used to manage local buffering. Reference count; is incremented keeping track of number of open files on; the device. On character devices can be used to send; device initialization string, which can be set by IOCTL; Write. Note that CON AUX and PRN devices are always open.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done".; Dev_Open: jmp Done page;; Function 14 Device Close;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN / CLOSE / RM bit set in Attribute word.; May be used to manage local buffering. Reference count; is decremented keeping track of number of open files on; the device; when count reaches zero all files have been closed; and the driver should flush buffers as user may change disks.; On character devices can be used to send device post-I / O; string such as a form feed, which can be set by IOCTL; Write. Note that CON AUX and PRN devices are never closed.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done".; Dev_Close: jmp Done page;; Function 15 Removeable Media;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN / CLOSE / RM bit set in Attribute word; and device type is block.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done" and; Busy bit = 1 if media is non-removable.; = 0 if media is removable. ; Rem_Media: jmp Done page ; This Initialization code for the driver is called only ; once when the driver is loaded. It is responsible for ; initializing the hardware, setting up any necessary ; interrupt vectors, and it must return the address ; of the first free memory after the driver to the BDOS. ; If it is a block device driver, Init must also return the ; address of the Bios Parameter Block pointer array; if all ; units are the same, all pointers can point to the same BPB. ; Only MS-DOS services 01-0CH and 30H can be called by the ; Initialization function. ; ; In this example, Init returns its own address to the DOS as ; the start of free memory after the driver, so that the memory ; occupied by IN99v will be reclaimed after it is finished ; with its work. ; ; Called with: ; ; Request Header + 18 DWORD pointer to the character after the &quot;=&quot; ; on the CONFIG.SYS line that loaded ; driver; this information is read only. ; 22 BYTE drive letter for first unit of a ; block driver (0=A 1=B etc) ; (MS-DOS 3.x only) ; ; Returns: ; ; Request Header + 13 BYTE Number of units (block devices only) ; + 14 DWORD address of first free memory above driver ; + 18 DWORD BPB pointer array (block devices only) ; Init: ; Function 0 ; initialize device driver push es ; push Request Header addr push di mov ah,9 ; print sign-on message mov dx,offset Ident int 21h pop di ; restore Request Header addr pop es ; set first usable memory addr. mov word ptr es:[di.Address],offset Init mov word ptr es:[di.Address+2],cs jmp Done Intr endp Driver endp code ends end

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